Body Purification

A Journey to Optimum Health and Vitality

 Now more than ever is the perfect time to partake in a purification and begin to practice fasting.

I believe that we should do a physical purification at least 4 times a year, one a season is perfect.

I have been practicing Body Purifications for over 3 years now as part of my seasonal practice and I have 

found that this practice has helped to formulate an intuitive way to feed not only my Body but my Mind and Soul.

When we purify the body and develop a more INTIMATE relationship with our Human Temple we

start to really listen to what the Body truly NEEDS.

We develop what is called INTUITIVE EATING and we TRUST the body knows what it needs and wants..

When we FAST the body gets an opportunity to REST and REPAIR as it is not using so much energy in the process of digestion.

We PURIFY to CLEAR OUT the build up of TOXINS in our body from drugs, poor diet, irregular movement, alcohol.......

We FAST to give the body an opportunity to REBUILD and RESTORE.

Through both we strengthen our IMMUNE SYSTEM, our PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL and ENERGETIC bodies.  

There are many different types of FASTING techniques but we will start with INTERMITTENT fasting

and slowly introduce longer fasting periods as we progress.

Please register your interest for my next BODY PURIFICATION starting OCTOBER 11

Join me for 11 days of purifying you Human Temple as we head into Spring.

Fresh Juices, colourful salads, gentle yoga flows and a live breath work session over Zoom.

You will receive an email each day with your instructions for the day.......what to eat and when and 

we will be keeping the food simple and mostly plant based.

Short Yoga flows and breath work care included in your Purification journey

11 day Detox - $77

Any questions regarding this program

© Copyright Krissy McMorrow